23rd Anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

(11-Sep-2024; FOX News; Bradford Betz)

(11-Sep-2024; CBS News; Jacquelyn Martin / AP)

on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016 (Photo by: Jin S. Lee)
I still remember the feelings on the night of September 11, 2001 (07:46 p.m. in Bangkok, TH).
I arrived home – after work – just 45-50 min. before the tragedy and still did not have dinner yet. After hearing the breaking news, our family could do nothing, but just sat in front of the TV and watched LIVE from the well-known world news channels for hours.
Can you imagine the social network in the past 23 years ago..?!
We monitored and followed up updated news on both local and foreign TV channels. Some friends and business partners lived in that city. We had no idea where each of them was located and how far they were from the collapsed buildings. So, YES, it terribly frightened us, especially during the first 2 hours (before we were able to contact and found them all safe).
However, we – like other people around the world – still felt worried for those who worked or stayed in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center – New York (08:46 a.m., 09:03 a.m.), or lived in the surrounding area / buildings during the attacks. Also, we were concerned for those who lived in Washington DC (09:37 a.m.) and Pennsylvania (10:03 a.m.). Our thoughts and prayers were with the Americans and other people living there at that time.
I better not go into further details because the losses and damages from that tragedy were extremely large and countless. The impact was felt worldwide. The event not only shocked the nation, but also had tremendous consequences for people around the world for years.

on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 (Photo by: Jin S. Lee)

on Monday, May 15, 2017 (Photo by: Jin S. Lee)
23 years .. it looks very long but those events still remain deeply in our generations’ memories.
Like Americans, we will never forget the victims and their families who still bear the grief from that day, and never forget all heroes and rescue workers – including firefighters and police – who risked their lives just to help or save others in the midst of the destruction. Many even lost their lives in the process.
Amazing Grace | West Coast Choir (West Coast Baptist College – WCBC)
” In order to honor and pay tribute to the victims of 9/11, please allow me to use the photos from 9/11 Memorial & Museum and a tribute song from Amazing Grace / West Coast Choir. My deepest gratitude to the museum and the owners of photos & YouTube clip. “